Friday, December 14, 2007

Final project

Physical display unit Sunghun Kim, William McDonald , Matt Parker

Make unique display unit instead of monitor or projector.
Monitor and projector is 2D screen -> Let’s make 3D screen!
What kind of data can we use? Just make a 3D mirror?
But mirror system is so old idea. That’s why we chose depth data from website.

While design about 3D monitor, we had to change plan 3D to 2D screen because our ideas were based on motors. And motors are expensive and hard to control many motors at a same time.
We try to make system use stepper motors. Stepper motors are cheap and we can control specific position like servo motors. But our stepper motors were too weak to moving something.

Create a 2D physical display unit use some kinds of data or interaction movement by users.

Here is Matt’s document about mechanism.

1. Use servo motors -> Use stepper motors.
- Stepper motor is cheap and easy to control.
Use stepper motors.-> Use servo motors
- Our stepper motors were too weak.
2. Movement
We designed 4 kinds of mechanism.
- Nuts and Bolt system : too slow
- Winch system – hard to control.
- Gear system – hard to design and build.
- Piston system – Difficult to keep circular force from jamming the cechanism
- Gravity Piston system – Easy to make and fix.

This is William’s blog.

In regard to feeding this data into the servo motor array - we decided to use four Arduino microprocessors connected via USB to the computer running the software application; with each Arduino effectively controlling five servos:


Saturday, October 27, 2007

Friday, October 26, 2007


Elevator Previsualizer

my Group

Sunghun Kim
Ardunio Programmer, Designer, Builder

William McDonald
Graphics/Software Programmer, Arduino Programmer

Petra Farinha
Designer, Builder

This work is for waiting people in font of elevator.

Crank system
people can chage their own view by ternning crank.

Projector blocking system.
When elevator door open, the black blocker block light of projector.
This is for preventing the light from blinding people getting on/off the elevator.
door close door open




Sensors, webcamera projector and image test

Elevator Observation

Petra's vodieo.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Projection Test

Projection Test

Test about installation location and color.

Making foot prints

Making foot prints

- hard paper, photo sensor, force sensor

Midterm Project 01


1. Observation.
Elevator. People are always waiting elevator. They looks boaring.
We can make somrthing cool for waiting people.

2. Make foot prins with photo cell sensor or forcesensor.

3. Use analog input, make images.

Friday, October 5, 2007


Serial communication 01




Thursday, September 27, 2007


Servo motor

2 servo motor with potensiameter

Monday, September 24, 2007


Analog INtput test - blinking speed

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Observing assignment

Observing assignment

In Depth Observation
For the second stage of this exercise, pick the interaction you found the most interesting and observe and describe it in depth. What is the setting? What is the physical orientation of the person (sitting, standing, etc)? What does the person physically do in the course of the interaction? How many steps does it take? How many times is the person listening to the device? How many times is the device "listening" to the person? What's the balance of that time?
As much as possible, try not to describe the person's intention, just their action. Imagine you were entirely unaware of the social context of the interaction, as if you were an extraterrestrial alien, seeing this for the first time. Describe the interaction in your writing, and to the class, on these terms. What details do you notice that you previously overlooked? What parts of the transaction seem fluid or effortless? What parts seem to take the most effort? What parts seem the most awkward or strained?

Laundry Room

There is no laundry room in Korea. Everybody have its own washing machine in home. Using laundry room is new experience to me.
This is why I choose.

First, preparing my clothes. This time, I pick up my dark close.

Preparing coins.

Go to laundry room

Fined empty washing machine

Put the cloth in to machine

Read instruction

Close cover of washing machine

Preparing coins
If do not have cone, use change machine.

Put money in to change machine.

Get out coins

It needs 7 quarters.

Put $1.75 in to machine.

Select washing type and temperature

Wait 2~3minitue & check the water level

If put in cleaner and softener with cloth, sometimes it cannot melt until finished.
Put in cleaner and softener

Wait 20 minute.

Check the machine.

Get out clothes.

Find empty drier.

Check this ‘USE’ light

Put wet clothes in to drier.

Close cover.

Put in coins.

Select dry type

Push start button.

Wait 30min.

If you choose colorful clothes, you can see color circle like this.

Get out clothes, if it is not dry, dry one more time.

Finish! Enjoy smell of softener!